Gems Menu

Discover the Best of Base
Welcome to the Gems Menu, where we serve up a curated selection of the brightest projects and top CTOs within the Base ecosystem. Each gem on this menu has been handpicked for its potential, innovation, and resilience. But before you dive in, there’s something you need to know.

The most important thing about most of these gems is that right now, they’re at rock bottom—jeeted, and in some cases, even abandoned. But there’s nothing fundamentally wrong with them. These are great memes with real potential that people have ditched in favor of the next big thing. What they need now is a community willing to support them, to see that potential through to the top.

Gems Menu

Gems Menu Discover the Best of BaseWelcome to the Gems Menu, where we serve up a curated selection of the

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We all Deserve this

Our Mission: Rising Together from the ashes

 In times like these, when strong projects and solid chains are being jeeted for the next quick hit, it’s more crucial than ever for us in the #Base #memecoin community to stand together. Pompy’s mission is simple: to pump up the Base, and that means we all rise together.

We’ve just launched this Gems Menu to showcase some of the best CTOs and promising projects that are currently struggling due to low volume and relentless jeetering by participants with weak conviction. The issue isn’t the quality of most Base memecoins—far from it. The real problem lies with some ‘groups of people’ who are never satisfied, constantly chasing a quick pump before they jeet and move on to the next project. They don’t care how much blood, sweat, and tears you and your team pour into your work—they just don’t care.

Let’s be honest here. It’s gotten absurd. People demand so much from meme projects just to deem them successful. “Wen marketing?” or demanding doxxed wallets, AMAs, spaces, trending—hell, at this rate, they might as well ask what the dev had for breakfast and to doxx his broken underwear! We’re all just people—fathers, sons, sisters—trying to make it! We get it, bad actors have made everyone paranoid, obsessed with bubble maps, and over analyzing every wallet down to the last satoshi. They demand the world, and yet… they still jeet? LMAO, enough is enough, don’t you think?

It’s time to unite, cut the BS, and focus on onboarding new users to the incredible projects on Base. How long are we going to keep fighting on crypto Twitter with the same people over which meme is best? Let’s redirect that energy into bringing new folks—and smart money—from outside CT into this space. The people on CT don’t need more memes—we need more people to come and buy the great memes. What we need is to unite efforts and visions. Stop fkn jeeting each other and let’s build something bigger together!

At the end of the day, we’re all here because we believe in freedom, abundance, innovation, integrity, and collaboration. We’ve all been grinding day and night for our projects, and it’s time we get the support we deserve. The Base ecosystem is brimming with potential, and the future is bright if we work together.

So, here’s what you can do: Explore the Gems Menu, featuring top CTOs and upcoming projects. Share this message with your network, and let’s start onboarding new users into the Base ecosystem. The more we unite, the more we all rise. Let’s create win-win-win scenarios for everyone!

And remember, the energy we waste arguing with each other could be so much better spent bringing new people into this incredible space. We’re one big family—let’s start acting like it!

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